- Indonesian Research Gateway adalah website yang menyajikan beragam informasi terbaru, yang mencakup pendidikan, Bisnis dan Seputar Blogging

Documentation Newspaper Blogger Template

 Viospaper Pro template Blogger this is the newspaper version of / blogspot, this template is perfect for information blogs and personal blogs.

Before installing the template, maybe the article below helps a little to do the template installation correctly without an error.

Summery :

  1. Setting Theme
  2. Setting Favicon Blogger
  3. Nonaktif Navibar Blogger
  4. Setting Top Navigasi
    1. Wigdet Link List
    2. Wigdet Logo Mobile
    3. Wigdet Menu Sosial Media
    4. Wigdet Logo Desktop
    5. Wigdet ADS Right
  5. Setting Navigation Mega Menu
  6. Setting Wigdet Featured Post
  7. Setting Customized Widget Sosial Media
  8. Setting Featured Images Homepage - Magazine
  9. Setting Costom Wigdet Recent Post - Magazine
  10. Setting Ads System
  11. Setting Costom Wigdet Sidebar
  12. Setting Costom Wigdet Footer
    1. Wigdet About Logo
    2. Wigdet Sosial Media Footer
  13. Setting Link URL Footer
  14. Setting Color Theme

Follow some of the Newspaper template settings below carefully and correctly, so that the display matches the demo page.

Setting Theme

Open Layout > Setting Theme > Icon

Change your API and City

Here I have included the latest features of the weather forecast widget. I use the API from the site, click here "" for create your account.

Click " API Keys " for get the API

  • Replace text city " Banjarmasin " with your name city
  • Replace API key " e91a9a125281a985ab7348f3aa2cbe5c " with your API
Please do not delete any code that is not given a circle

Change Blog Favicon

Open Dashbor > Layout > Favicon > Edit

Turn off the Navbar to Optimize Template Speed

Layout > Navbar > Edit > Choose to be " Off "

Manage Navigation Menu Links, Cellular Logos, and Social Media Links

  • Link List 1 = A link menu that you can fill with a link that suits you
  • Mobile Logo Settings = Your blog's writing logo will only appear on the Mobile version
  • Link List 2 = Link social media icon menu located at the top of the template header

Wigdet Link List 1

If you want to hide or delete the wigdet link, just click it Visible " Show Link List "  checklist no longer exists.

Add a new link, you can see the example image above.

  • New Site Name = WRITING URL LINK 

To delete a link / edit an existing one, just click on the text " Edit " / Delete

Wigdet Logo Mobile

Select Image Your own writing that is on the computer, can also use an existing image URL address.

Recommended Logo size : Width = 257px - height = 60px

Wigdet Link List 2 - Sosial Media Icon

Social media icons in this template use the SVG icon, for how to use it you can simply write the name of the social media you have.

Example :

New Site Name = Fill in the text according to the name of your social media, Example text " facebook " whatsapp " linkedin.

You can see the available icons in the example below.
facebook | youtube | instagram | vk | twitter | whatsapp | rss | tumblr | vimeo

Change the Desktop version of the Blog Logo

Clik Layout > Header > Edit

  • Remove image and replace it with your logo.
  • Select writing Instead of title and description
Recommended Logo size : Width = 272px - Height = 90px

Install Ads on the Right Header Logo Template

Layout > Edit HTML / JavaScript

Enter your ad code, then click " SAVE "

Recommended = Size Ads 728 x 90

Set MEGA MENU Navigation Link

Layout > Edit HTML > Mega_Menu

<div class='menu_mobile_burger' title='Menu'>
<svg viewbox='0 0 24 24'>
<path d='M3,6H21V8H3V6M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,16H21V18H3V16Z' fill='#ffffff'/>
<div class='cssmenu' id='css-menu'>
<ul class='megamenu' id='megamenuid'>
<li class='home'><span class='close-menu' title='Close'>&times;</span></li>
<li><a href='/'>News</a></li>
<li class='has-sub'><a class='menu-target' href='javascript:viod(0)'>Fashion</a>
<li><a href='' onclick='addURL(this)'>All</a></li>
<li><a href='' onclick='addURL(this)'>LifeStyle</a></li>
<li><a href='' onclick='addURL(this)'>Sosial Media</a></li>
<li><a href='' onclick='addURL(this)'>Woman</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href='' onclick='addURL(this)'>Health & Fitness</a></li>
<li class='has-sub'><a class='menu-target' href='javascript:viod(0)'>Gadgets</a>
<li><a href=''>All</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Style Hunter</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Travel</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Video 2019</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Happy Pupy</a></li>
<li class='has-sub'><a class='menu-target' href='javascript:viod(0)'>Lifestyle</a>
<li><a href=''>All</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Style Hunter</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Travel</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Video 2019</a></li>
<li class='last'><a href=''>Happy Pupy</a></li>
<li class='mega-label has-sub'><a href='javascript:viod(0)'>Video</a>
<li><a href=''>Video</a></li>
<li class='has-submenu'><a class='menu-target' href='javascript:viod(0)'>Featured</a>
<li><a href=''>Home - Beranda</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Home - Post</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Home - Label</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Home - Eror 404</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Home - Video</a></li>
NB :

  1. Change what I marked red with your URL link.
  2. An orange sign is text from your URL link.

Setting Wigdet Featured Post

Layout > Wigdet Featured Post > Clik Edit

Installing the Wigdet Social Media Icon in the Sidebar

Open Layout > Sidebar > Add Gagdet HTML

Copy the HTML code below and paste it into the HTML column.

<div class="td_social_type td-pb-margin-side td_social_facebook">
<div class="td-social-box">
<div class="td-sp td-sp-facebook">
<span class="td_social_info">14,629</span>
<span class="td_social_info td_social_info_name">Fans</span><span class="td_social_button"><a href="">Like</a></span>
<div class="td_social_type td-pb-margin-side td_social_twitter"><div class="td-social-box">
<div class="td-sp td-sp-twitter">
<span class="td_social_info">1,381</span><span class="td_social_info td_social_info_name">Followers</span><span class="td_social_button"><a href="">Follow</a></span></div>
<div class="td_social_type td-pb-margin-side td_social_youtube">
<div class="td-social-box">
<div class="td-sp td-sp-youtube">
<span class="td_social_info">10,126</span><span class="td_social_info td_social_info_name">Subscribers</span><span class="td_social_button"><a href="">Subscribe</a></span></div>
Keterangan :

  1. Tanda Color Red is the text of the link
  2. Tanda Color Yellow is the address / URL of your social media link.

Enable Posting Featured Images on the Template Home

Open Setting > Other > Allow Blog Feed > Full

Support Newspaper type Magzine

Setting Costum Wigdet Homepage

Open Layout > Wigdet Featured Image > Edit

Widget TypeCode
<object class='pixel-widget' data-label='LABEL NAME' data-type='list'></object>
<object class='pixel-widget' data-label='LABEL NAME' data-type='gallery'></object>
Recommended Label Name : Video

Advertise in Articles

Open Layout > Edit HTML

NB :
  1. Top Adverts Articles - Ad Position is above Title
  2. Middle Advertisements Article 1 - Ad Position is in paragraph 2
  3. Middle Advertisements Article 2 - Ad Position is in paragraph 5
  4. Bottom Ad Article - Ad position is at the end of Posts / Articles

Installing the Wigdet in the Sidebar Section

Open Layout > Wigdet Sidebar

Add / Reduce Wigdet that you don't need

Set the Wigdet in the Footer Section

Set About Wigdet / About Blog

NB :
  1. About Us - Title Wigdet
  2. Caption - Short description / writing about your blog
  3. Link - Your blog's address URL >
  4. Image - Images / Logo
Size recommendations Logo = Width = 272px Height = 90px

Set Wigdet from the Social Media Footer

Change the link at the bottom of the footer

If you want to change the link / delete, click on text Edit / Delete

Change Color Theme

Open Dashbor > Theme > Customize

Setting Theme Width

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